We're Here for You
The national footprint of Vitalant IRL labs allows Vitalant to provide services from a distance, and you can count on us to provide fast and reliable:
- 24/7 coverage, including weekends and holidays.
- Basic to complex red cell serological testing using multiple testing platforms.
- Molecular genetic testing for erythrocytes and platelets.
- Antigen-negative blood products, including rare units from the American Rare Donor Program (ARDP).
- Platelet antibody identification and screening.
- Platelet crossmatching.
- HLA-matched platelets.
- Medical and technical consultation whenever needed.

IRL Lab Tests and Procedures Offered
Vitalant’s immunohematology reference laboratories offer a variety of tests and procedures:
- Red cell serology.
- Compatibility testing and product services.
- Platelet refractory panel.
- Platelet antigen testing.
- HLA Class I and II antibody screen and ID.
- Patient and red cell antigen typing.
- Molecular testing (DNA genotyping).
Educational Offerings
Vitalant’s nationally recognized staff have a unique combination of experience and education and are available to partner with you on continuing education needs. We offer lectures or workshops on a variety of transfusion medicine topics.

Antigen-Negative Blood
and Rare Units
Vitalant maintains an extensive inventory of antigen-negative and rare units. Vitalant labs are located in blood centers with established donor bases. These donors have been screened to provide product promptly for common and uncommon/rare antigen-negative requests and more donors are screened every day. Vitalant blood centers and depots have visibility to antigen negative inventory throughout the country. We work collaboratively to ship product to meet patient need. On occasion, when product cannot be located within Vitalant, the AABB accredited IRLs have access to the American Rare Donor Program (ARDP) to secure rare units.
Questions about existing test results? Please call your lab directly. For product or service inquires please use the contact us form.