Test Catalog

Service Code Test Name

4C Antibody Screen

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Red cell antibody screen and autocontrol performed 4C

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tube
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

ABO Discrepancy

Category: Red Cell Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Red Cell Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Initial investigation of ABO blood typing discrepancies.  Any additional testing performed is charged separately.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and/or clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipping in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

ABO Grouping

Category: Red Cell Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Red Cell Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: ABO Group (serological), Forward and/or Reverse

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1 EDTA and/or clot tube
Storage & Shipping: Shipping in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

ABO Incompatibility Processing - Plasma Depletion

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Removal of Plasma


ABO Incompatibility Processing - Red Cell Depletion

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Removal of red cells from product received



Category: Red Cell Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Red Cell Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Includes ABO grouping (forward and reverse) and Rh(D) typing

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1 EDTA and/or clot tube
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Absorption Procedure

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Absorption procedure autologous or allogeneic per each adsorption tube.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

ADAMTS-13 Activity

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: This assay is based on quantifying the cleavage of a small fragment of von Willebrand Factor by the ADAMTS-13 protease. The cleavage of this synthetic substrate is detected by reading the fluorescence that results when the substrate is cleaved.

Turnaround: Samples are batch tested, usually twice weekly.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma.)
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20°C or colder; ship on dry ice.

ADAMTS-13 Autoantibody

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detects IgG antibody serologically. Less specific than the functional assay. Positive results have been observed in people without severe ADAMTS-13 deficiency.

Turnaround: Samples are batch tested, usually every two weeks.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma.)
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20°C or less; ship on dry ice.

ADAMTS-13 Inhibitor

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Functional assay to determine autoantibodies against ADAMTS-13 which is considered to be highly specific for TTP.  Low plasma levels of ADAMTS-13 activity (± 10%) and the presence of high titer inhibitor may be associated with poor prognosis.

Turnaround: Samples are batch tested, usually twice weekly.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20°C or less; ship on dry ice.

Adiponectin (Total)

Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional




Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional



Antibody Identification Panel

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Routine or selected reagents RBC panel.  Autocontrol is included.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Antibody Identification Panel, Rare

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Rare, selected reagent RBC panel up to 6 cells, each panel set up.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and/or clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Antibody Screen, each

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Red Cell antibody screen/detection, any methodology and or additive

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Anticardiolipin Antibodies (IgG, IgM)

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Evaluate patients with prolonged PTT and thrombotic tendency, including patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, recurrent spontaneous abortion of early pregnancy, and suspected antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.

Turnaround: 2 days (excludes weekends and holidays)
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Anticardiolipin IgA

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Evaluate patients with prolonged PTT and thrombotic tendency, including patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, recurrent spontaneous abortion of early pregnancy, and suspected antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.
LS810 (23M)

Antigen Typing, Donor - Confirmed or Historical, per Antigen.

Category: | Service: IRL,TS

Service: IRL,TS

Description: Donor common red cell antigen typing, per antigen.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: Unit segments or 1 EDTA tube
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.
LS815 (24M)

Antigen Typing, Donor, Rare - Confirmed or Historical, per Antigen

Category: | Service: IRL,TS

Service: IRL,TS

Description: Donor rare red cell antigen typing, per antigen

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: Unit segments or 1 EDTA tube
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Antigen Typing, Patient, per Antigen

Category: Red Cell Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Red Cell Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Antigen typing of patient RBC's (serologic), per antigen

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1 EDT and/or clot tube
Storage & Shipping: Shipping in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Antigen Typing, Patient, Rare per Antigen

Category: Red Cell Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Red Cell Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Rare antigen typing of patient RBC's (serologic).  Rare antigen examples (not all inclusive): k, Kpa, Cw, Yta, etc.,

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1 EDTA and/or clot tube
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

AntiphosphatidyIserine Antibodies (IgG, IgM)

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Antiphospholipid antibodies are a group of very heterogenous autoantibodies with reactivity against various negatively charged phospholipids, including phosphatidylserine, cardiolipin and others.  The clinical importance of antiphospholipid is their strong association with recurrent venous and arterial thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, and fetal abortion.  Antiphosphatidylserine testing uses an indirect ELISA format to detect antibodies in human serum or plasma.  Since autoimmune antiphospholipid antibodies require a cofactor (B2-glycoprotein l) for optimal binding, a source of cofactor is included for increased detection of clinically relevant antibodies.  The concentration of both lgG and lgM type phosphatidylserine antibodies are determined and reported out separately.  The clinical specificity of the aPS assay is comparable to the specificity of the anticardiolipin (aCL) assay.

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Antiphosphatidylserine\Prothrombin Complex Antibodies (aPS/PT)

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: The phosphatidylserine/prothrombin complex has been shown to be another target of antiphospholipid (APL) antibodies in individuals with a lupus anticoagulant/antiphospholipd syndrome. While some antiphospholipid antibodies have limited specificity for the clinical manifestations of antiphospholipid syndrome, IgG and IgM antibodies against antiphosphatidylserine/prothrombin complexes are highly associated with thrombosis and poor obstetrical outcomes.

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Antiphospholipid Antibodies (lgG, lgM)

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Anti-phospholipid testing uses an indirect ELISA format to detect antibodies.

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Antiplasmin Activity

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Measure the amount of the major inhibitor of plasmin(ogen) in the fibrinolytic system.

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Antithrombin lll Activity

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Evaluate response to heparin, hypercoagulable, and fibrinolytic states; test for hereditary deficiency of antithrombin lll.  Antithrombin levels are of use in cases of suspected heparin failure, DIC or personal or familial history of thromboembolic disease.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

APC Resistance

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Screening assay to determine the presence of the Factor V Leiden mutation

Turnaround: 7 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Apixaban Level

Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional



APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time)

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Useful screening test to detect factor deficiencies or inhibitors of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation.  The APTT will prolong when: 1) there are deficiencies of factors II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII ; 2) an inhibitor to a specific clotting factor is present; or 3) a non specific inhibitor of the intrinsic pathway (heparin or lupus anticoagulant) is present

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) Mix

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Plasma is incubated 1:1 with Normal Pool for 30 minutes at 37℃, to detect the presence/absence of an inhibitor.  Incubated mixes are performed to increase inhibitor detection.  Recommend ordering APTT with APTT Mix.  NOTE: For meaningful interpretation, this test should not be ordered without also ordering the APTT.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Base Lab Processing of Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cells and Bone Marrow After Hours

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Base lab processing from 2300 to 0600, weekends and holidays.


Base Lab Processing of Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cells and Bone Marrow (Autologous & Allogeneic)

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Processing, splitting and labeling additional bags from original collection.  Includes testing for CD34, CD3, Total Nucleated Count, Manual Differential, Sterility, Viability, Infectious Disease Markers and cryopreservation of up to 6 bags for storage up to 36 months.


Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA)

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Antiphospholipid antibodies are a heterogenous group of autoantibodies associated with the clinical manifestations of APS.  These antibodies frequently require the presence of a serum protein as cofactor for optimal in vitro binding activity forming phospholipid-protein complexes.  Binding of B2GPI directly to a microtiter plate has been found to produce antigenic sites like those produced when bound to phospholipid.  This assay minimizes the variability observed between classic antiphospholipid ELISAs (cardiolipin and phosphatidylserine bound to plastic, with exogenous source of cofactor).  In addition, studies indicate anti-B2GPI antibodies are more specific for thrombosis than antibodies detected by anticardiolipin ELISAs.  Specifically, it has been suggested by various research groups that anti-B2GPI may help to distinguish "infectious" from "autoimmune" antiphospholipid antibodies.  Only autoimmune antiphospholipid antibodies are associated with thrombosis.  Anti-B2GPI testing uses an ELISA format to detect antibodies in human plasma.  The IgG type anti-B2GPI antibodies are generally regarded as the most clinically significant isotype

Turnaround: Batch tested 3 days/weeks
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Blood Product Administration set, each

Category: Other Services | Service: TS

Category: Other Services
Service: TS

Description: Blood product administration set, each

Turnaround: N/A
Sample Requirements: N/A
Storage & Shipping: N/A

Blood Type Recheck

Category: Compatibility Testing | Service: TS

Category: Compatibility Testing
Service: TS

Description: Patient ABO/Rh(D) confirmation from a 2nd specimen for transfusion of blood products.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 7 mL EDTA tube, no red top Serum Separator
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Buccal Swab DNA Isolation

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: Isolation of highly purified DNA from a buccal swab sample for HLA testing.


CAR-T Processing & Cryopreservation

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Base processing of product for CAR-T manufacture, including priority processing status.  Includes CD3 enumeration, TNC, viability, manual differential, sterility testing, cryopreservation and short-term storage of cryopreserved product.  Storage to include pre-manufacture and post-manufacture prior to distribution for infusion.  


CD34 Enumeration and Viability

Category: Transplant | Service: CTL

Category: Transplant
Service: CTL

Description: Determination of absolute count, percentage, and viability of CD34 progenitor cells in peripheral blood, pheresis product or bone marrow by flow cytometry.


Cell/Plasma Repository

Category: Transplant | Service:

Category: Transplant

Description: This is a storage opportunity for client samples. Inquire within.


Chimerism Studies

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: Testing of post transplant blood samples for percentage mixture of donor and patient DNA.Pre


Factor VIII Activity - Chromogenic

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: FVIII activity is most commonly measured in the laboratory by a clotting method (test code 5364). However, FVIII clotting assays can yield inaccurate results when performed in the presence of certain clinical conditions.  This assay uses bovine reagents and is insensitive to emicizumab and lupus anticoagulants. The chromogenic FVIII activity assay can yield more accurate results when: 
1) a low FVIII activity level measured with a clotting method is detected in the presence of a lupus anticoagulant. 
2) multiple factor activity levels (including FVIII) are low in a single patient when measured by clotting methods. 
3) bleeding is more severe in hemophilia A patients than expected when the FVIII activity level was measured with a clotting method. 
4) an individual is being treated with emicizumab (HEMLIBRA®). 

Common interferences with the chromogenic FVIII activity assay include FXa inhibitors, direct thrombin inhibitors, and high concentrations of heparin.

Turnaround: 6 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Closure Time (Platelet Function Screen)

Category: Platelet Evaluation | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Platelet Evaluation
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Platelet dysfunction may be acquired, inherited, or induced by platelet inhibiting agents.  The most common causes of platelet dysfunction are related to uremia, von Willebrand's disease (vWD), and exposure to agents such as acetyl salicylic acid (ASA, aspirin).  Current methods to assess platelet function include Closure Time (CT) and aggregation studies.  The PFA-100 is an instrument and test cartridge system in which the process of platelet adhesion and aggregation following a vascular injury is simulated in vitro.  This system allows for rapid evaluation of platelet function on samples of anticoagulated whole blood.  Using biologically coated membranes Collagen/Epinephrine (CEPI) and Collagen/Adenosine-5'- diphosphate (CADP) and high shear rates generated under standardized flow conditions, platelet plug formation at the aperture can be evaluated.  The time required to obtain full occlusion of the aperture is reported as the Closure Time (CT) in seconds.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tubes at room temperature.
Storage & Shipping: Maintain specimen as whole blood at room temperature and transport to the laboratory immediately. Must be received in laboratory within 3 hours of collection. Do not chill, platelets are activated at low temperatures. DO NOT COLLECT SAMPLE BEFORE 7:00 a.m.!! Sample must be received in laboratory by 4:00 p.m.

Coagulation Factors Profile

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Includes Factors II, V, VII, X, VIII, IX, XI, XII, PT, PT Mix, APTT, APTT Mix

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (min. 2 mL platelet poor plasma)
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Cold Agglutinin Titer

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Titer of cold reactive autoantibodies (per titer).

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: Call for special collection instructions
Storage & Shipping: Call for special collection instructions

Collagen Binding Assay

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Quantitates the collagen binding capacity of vWF to collagen-coated microtiter wells.  The CBA may correlate more closely with vWF function than vW antigen and/or vW Multimer testing.

Turnaround: Batch tested every 1-2 weeks
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Colony Forming Units (CFU)

Category: Processing Tests | Service: CTL

Category: Processing Tests
Service: CTL

Description: Culture of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) includeing erythroid, myeloid and megakaryocytic.


Compatibility Screen

Category: Compatibility Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Compatibility Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: RBC unit screened with patient plasma/serum. Compatibility screen is not the crossmatch test of record and unit is not tagged.  

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Complete Blood Count

Category: Processing Tests | Service: CTL

Category: Processing Tests
Service: CTL

Description: Total nucleated cell count, hemotocrit and a breakout of mononuclear cell and granulocyte percentages.


Cord Blood Dilution - No Wash (with pre & post CD34)

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Dilution of DMSO from cord product with CD 34 testing.


Cord Blood Dilution - No Wash (without CD34)

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Dilution of DMSO from cord product.


Crossmatch : Antiglobulin (AHG)

Category: Compatibility Testing | Service: TS

Category: Compatibility Testing
Service: TS

Description: Antiglobulin Crossmatch by any methodology. *Crossmatch fees apply only to Transfusion Service Agreements. 

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 7 mL EDTA tube, no red top Serum Separator
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Crossmatch: Electronic (EXM)

Category: Compatibility Testing | Service: TS

Category: Compatibility Testing
Service: TS

Description: Charge for each unit crossmatched by EXM. *Crossmatch fees apply only to Transfusion Service Agreements. 

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 7 mL EDTA tube, no red top Serum Separator
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Crossmatch: Immediate Spin (IS)

Category: Compatibility Testing | Service: TS

Category: Compatibility Testing
Service: TS

Description: IS Crossmatch by any methodology. *Crossmatch fees apply only to Transfusion Service Agreements. 

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 7 mL EDTA tube, no red top Serum Separator
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.


Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect and quantitate cold precipitable fibrinogen.

Turnaround: Batch tested
Sample Requirements: One 10 mL or two 4 mL green top (heparin) tubes (Min. 2 mL plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Maintain at room temperature (20℃ to 25℃) and process within 2 hours. Spin at room temperature; freeze plasma at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.
547B - Single Cryo 6352-pooled Cryo

Cryoprecipitate Product QC

Category: Quality Control | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Quality Control
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Test includes: Factor VIII:C, Fibrinogen. 
 Evaluate whether blood products meet the standards of the blood banking industry.

Turnaround: 3 days
Sample Requirements: One bag or aliquot tube of cryoprecipitate, in compliance with your standard operating procedure. Criteria for Rejection: Broken bag/tube.
Storage & Shipping: Freeze at -70℃ or less: ship on dry ice.

Dabigatran (Pradaxa) Level

Category: Drug Monitoring | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Drug Monitoring
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Use quantitative measurement of Pradaxa (Dabigatran), a Direct Thrombin Inhibitor (DTI), in citrated plasma as an aid in the management of patients receiving Dabigatran.  Used to manage bleeding in cases of possible excess anticoagulant activity, patients with renal insufficiency, recurrent TIA/CVA symptoms despite therapeutic dose, and to ensure patient compliance.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

DAT NEG AIHA Evaluation

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: DAT negative Hemolytic anemia investigation (other names) Immune Hemolytic Anemia Evaluation; Micro Coombs; Super Coombs. (Send out) 


DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) Screen

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Tests include: PT, PT Mix; APTT; APTT Mix; Fibrinogen; Thrombin Time; Reptilase Time (if needed, will invoke additional charge); FDP (plasma); Quant d-Dimer; Antithrombin III Activity; Physician interpretation with clinical recommendations if warranted.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: Four 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tubes. (Min. 4 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Direct Antiglobulin Test

Category: Red Cell Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Red Cell Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT). One charge for each reagent tested.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1 EDTA tube
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

DOAC Remove

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: NOTE:  Only orderable in combination with 6404 – Lupus Anticoagulant Panel with DOAC Remove 


Donath-Landsteiner Test

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Diagnostic test of Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria (PCH).

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: Call for special collection instructions.
Storage & Shipping: Call for special collection instructions.

Donor Antigen screening, 1-10 units screened

Category: | Service: IRL,TS

Service: IRL,TS

Description: Random unit screening to find antigen negative units per batch of 1 - 10 units screened.

Turnaround: N/A
Sample Requirements: N/A
Storage & Shipping: N/A

Drug Dependent Antibody Studies

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Test for identification of drug dependant antibodies.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: Call for special collection instructions
Storage & Shipping: Call for special collection instructions

dRVVT (Dilute Russell Viper Venom Time)

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Antiphospholipid antibodies directed against anionic phospholipids or phospholipid-protein complexes that interfere with phospholipid dependent in vitro coagulation assays are known as lupus anticoagulants (LACs). LACs are a significant risk factor in patients with otherwise unexplained thrombosis and are often present in women who have recurrent miscarriages. Patients are referred for LAC work-up due to an abnormal screening test of hemostasis, usually a prolonged APTT or based on clinical symptoms. Russell’s Viper Venom (dRVV) selectively activates factor X to Xa, with factor V and phospholipid, activates factor II to thrombin. By diluting the phospholipid and RVV, this assay becomes very sensitive to lupus anticoagulant. On addition of phospholipid, a relative correction or neutralization of LAC results in a shorter clotting time. The new assay is a twostep procedure that includes a dRVV screen and a confirmatory step. The result is reported as a ratio of Screen clotting time (seconds)/ Confirm clotting time (seconds) and results greater than 1.3 are positive for a lupus anticoagulant. The improved reagents contain polybrene to neutralize the effect of heparin. As a result, the dRVV ratio is a more specific test for the evaluation of LAC than APTT.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

D-Dimer Quantitative

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Used to evaluate chronic or acute disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), acute myocardial infarction, and unstable angina.  SUITABLE AS EXCLUSION TEST TO RULE OUT DVT OR PE.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Elution Procedure

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Procedure performed to remove antibodies from the surface of red blood cells.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Enzyme Panel - Manufactured

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Testing of manufactured enzyme-treated RBC panel.  Autocontrol is included.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and/or clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Enzyme Treatment

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Pre-modification/treatment of RBC's using proteolytic enzymes (i.e., Ficin, Papain, etc.,)

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Euglobulin Lysis

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect and evaluate pathological fibrinolytic activity.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor Assays

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Includes Factors II, V, VII, X, IX, XI, XII

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (min. 2 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor II

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Quantity specific coagulation factor activity.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor Inhibitor

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Specimen must be received before day of testing.
Please note Factor on requisition.
Recommend prior Factor activity testing.

Used to evaluate patients with an inhibitor to a Factor OTHER than Factor VIII: C or Factor IX.  Client must specify which Factor is to be studied.  This Factor Activity must be <25% normal (0.25 U/mL) to distinguish inhibitor activity.  Inhibitor testing will not be performed if factor activity levels are greater than 25%.

Turnaround: 7 days (batch tested twice weekly)
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (min. 2 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor IX

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect specific coagulation factor IX activity.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor IX Inhibitor

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Specimen must be received before day of testing.
Used to evaluate patients with inhibitors to Factor IX.  Recommend prior Factor IX Activity testing.  The Factor IX activity must be <25% (0.25 U/mL) to distinguish inhibitor activity.

Turnaround: 7 days
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (min. 2 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor IX Inhibitor (H-I Nigmegen Method)

Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional



Factor IX p.Thr342Met Gene Variant

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Factor IX p.Thr342Met Gene Variant is a well-described pathogenic variant associated with Hemophilia B of variable bleeding severity1,2. This variant has also been referred to in the literature as c.1025C>T, Thr296Met, and 31008 C>T.   The p.Thr342Met variant is considered to be a founder variant for Hemophilia B primarily in the Amish population and is the most common genetic cause of Hemophilia B in individuals of Amish ancestry.   Note:  Prenatal testing for this variant and full gene sequencing for Factor IX are not available at this time.

Turnaround: Batch tested every two weeks Average: 14-18 days. Max: 28 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

Factor V

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect specific coagulation factor activity.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor V Antigen (Total)

Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional



Factor V Cambridge Gene Variant

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: The presence of the FV Cambridge gene variant is useful for explaining APC resistance in laboratory assays in the absence of the FV Leiden variant. The association of the FV Cambridge gene variant with thrombotic risk is unclear at this time. Future studies may provide additional information.

Turnaround: Batch tested every two weeks Average: 14-18 days. Max: 28 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

Factor V HR-2 Haplotype

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Researchers have actively studied the factor V gene to determine the cause of APCr in the 5-10% of patients that do not carry the Leiden mutation.  Recently, eidence has emerged that shows that Factor V genetic components other than the Leiden mutation contribute to the APCr phenotype and are associated with increased thrombotic risk.  A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based assay amplifies an 828 bp fragment of the factor V genomic DNA containing the R2 allele.  The amplified fragment is then restriction endonuclease digested using Rsa I.  Digest fragments are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis to allow detection and discrimination of homozygosity of heterozygosity for the polymorphism in the factor V gene.

Turnaround: Batch tested every two weeks Average: 14-18 days. Max: 28 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

557F Factor V Leiden Mutation (F5: c.1601G>A (p.Arg534GIn or R534Q; legacy nomenclature: c.1691G>A)

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Of the inherited causes of VTE, the Factor V Leiden variant is the most prevalent. Heterozygosity for this variant occurs in ~1/20 Caucasians (5%) and homozygosity in ~1/1200 Caucasians. However, this variant is highly enriched in patients with unprovoked VTE, being identified in 20-50% of individuals with VTE and no identifiable acquired risk factor. Circumstantial risk factors including pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives, trauma and surgery may also increase the thrombotic risk in both heterozygous and homozygous cases.  The genetic variant in FVL is a single nucleotide change that eliminates one of two cleavage sites for Activated Protein C (APC), resulting in slower inactivation of the active FV molecule.  The F5 gene variant responsible for FVL is c.1601G>A (p.Arg534GIn or R534Q); legacy nomenclature: c.1691G>A (p.ARG506GIn or R506Q).

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly; Average: 7 days; Max: 21 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

Factor VII

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect specific coagulation factor activity.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor VIIa

Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional



Factor VIII Antigen

Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional



Factor VIII Inhibitor

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Specimen must be received before day of testing. Used to evaluate patients with inhibitors to Factor VIII. Recommend prior Factor VIII Activity testing. The Factor VIII activity must be <25% (0.25 U/mL) to distinguish inhibitor activity.

Turnaround: 7 days (batch tested twice weekly)
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (min. 2 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor VIII: C

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect coagulant Factor VIII deficiency.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor X

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect specific coagulation Factor X activity.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor X Chromogenic

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: The chromogenic factor X assay is the method of choice for oral anticoagulant monitoring in patients with lupus anticoagulants affecting the prothrombin time.  A therapeutic range of factor X is established by correlation to the appropriate target INR range (2.0 - 3.5).  This assay is insensitive to the effects of lupus anticoagulants and can provide monitoring for effective anticoagulant therapy and improved patient management.  The chromogenic factor X assay indirectly measures the level of the vitamin K dependent factor X in human plasma.  This is done in two stages.  In the first stage factor X is activated in the presence of calcium to Factor Xa by the activator Russell's Viper Venom (RVV).  In the second stage the generated factor Xa hydrolyzes a chromogenic substrate resulting in a color change.  The intensity of the color change is proportional to the factor X activity in the sample.  This assay does not require a phospholipid membrane surface and is insensitive to the effects of a phospholipid antibody.

Turnaround: 7 days (batch tested twice weekly)
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor XI Inhibitor

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Specimen must be received before day ot testing.

Used to evaluate patients with an inhibitor to factor XI.  If a prolonged APTT fails to correct after an incubated mix with normal plasma and factor analysis reveals a marked decrease in factor XI only, a specific factor XI inhibitor is suspected.  A titer to quantitate the amount (strength) of the inhibitor, such as the Bethesda assay, is useful in patient management and to monitor the success in eradicating the inhibitor.

Turnaround: Batch tested twice weekly
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (min. 2 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor XIa

Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional



Factor XII

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect specific coagulation factor XII activity.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor XII Inhibitor

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Specimen must be received before day of testing. Used to evaluate patients with inhibitors to Factor XII. Recommend prior Factor XII Activity testing. The Factor XII activity must be <25% (0.25 U/mL) to distinguish inhibitor activity.

Turnaround: 7 days (batch tested twice weekly)
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 2 mL frozen platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor XIII Activity - Quantitative

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: The FXIII Activity test is an assay that quantitatively determines the patient's FXIII functional ability.  The previous FXIII Antigen method only measured the amount of FXIII protein present in the sample rather than the patient's FXIII functional capabilities.  Therefore, the newer FXIII Acitivity-Quantitative assay may be more useful than the discontinued antigen method.  In addition, the new FXIII Activity- Quantitative test is more specific than qualitative assays for FXIII, such as clot lysis methods (FXIII screen), since these clot lysis tests can only detect FXIII abnormalities below 1-2%.

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor XI

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect specific coagulation factor XI activity.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Factor XIII Screen - Qualitative

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: A Factor XIII deficiency of less than 1-2% can be detected by this in vitro method. 

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Fibrin Degradation Products

Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional




Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Identify congenital afibrinogenemia or hyprofibrinogenemia.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Fibrinogen Antigen- temporarily unavailable

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Specimen must be received before day of testing.

Turnaround: 11 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Fibrinopeptide A

Category: Serological | Service:

Category: Serological

Description: Special sample requirements. Inquire within.


Flow Crossmatch

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: HLA T & B Cell crossmatch by flow cytometry for transplant donor selection.


Fondaparinux (Arixtra) Level

Category: Drug Monitoring | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Drug Monitoring
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Used to monitor Fondaparinux (Arixtra) levels in patients.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Fresh Allogeneic Processing without cryopreservation, Bone Marrow or Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cells

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Base lab processing services and testing for fresh products listed.


Glycoprotein la C807T

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: The GPIa/IIa complex mediates platelet adhesion to collagen.  Although the GPIa C807T polymorphism does not change the amino acid sequence, it has been associated with the difference in the GPIa/IIa receptor levels on the platelet surface.  Carriers of the 807T allele express higher levels of GPI/IIa, while carriers of the 807C allele exhibit lower expression of the integrin.  This polymorphism has been implicated to be associated with an increased risk of arterial thrombosis.  Additional studies suggested this is a mild risk factor and is particularly important in synergism with known risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes, or proteinuria, which may enhance its contribution to the overall cardiovascular risk.  Detection is through PCR amplification and RFLP agarose gel electrophoresis.

Turnaround: Contact lab for testing schedule Average: 14-18 days Max: 35 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.
LS285 (41M)

Hemoglobin S

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Sickle cell screen test.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 2 EDTA tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Heparin Level/Anti-Xa

Category: Drug Monitoring | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Drug Monitoring
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: An approach to assay for heparin is by exploiting its catalysis by antithrombin III inhibition of coagulation enzymes, particularly factor Xa.  In this method, factor Xa is present in excess and the residual factor Xa activity is inversely proportional to the heparin concentration.  Unlike assays based on thrombin, this assay is based on factor Xa and is sensitive to both standard and low molecular weight (LMW) heparins

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma). Type of heparin for evaluation MUST be provided to the laboratory (e.g., Unfractionated, Lovenox, Fragmin or Innohep).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Heparin PF4 (Platelet Factor 4) Antibody

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: HIT occurs when Heparin triggers the formation of antibodies directed at a Heparin-platelet factor 4 complex. This complex binds to platelet Fc receptors resulting in platelet activation, platelet aggregation, platelet granule release and the formation of procoagulant microparticles that accelerate thrombin generation.  The identification of platelet factor4 (PF4) as the target component, allowed the design of the ELISA assay for the diagnosis of heparin induced thrombocytopenia.  This assay incorporates the use of coated wells with PF4 complexed with heparin.  Prediluted plasma containing heparin-PF4 antibodies will bind to the wells if present.  A second conjugated affinity-purified Anti-human IgG, M and A will bind to the complex and the intensity  of observed coloration is directly proportional to the antibodies present in the test sample.  Most of the diagnostic methods for type II HIT are based on the use of platelet aggregometry tests or serotonin release assay (SRA).  The platelet aggregation method requires careful selection of control platelets and lacks sensitivity and specificity.  The SRA, considered by many to be the gold standard, also requires carefully selected control platelets, radioisotopes and is difficult to perform.  The heparin-PF4 ELISE assay has similar sensitivity to SRA and is reproducible and relatively easy to perform.  Studies have shown that heparin-PF4 ELISA yields false negative results in approximately 10% of patients tested with clinically evident HIT.

Turnaround: 3 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL frozen platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Heparin Platelet Antibody (Aggregation Method)

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Heparin-Induced Platelet Antibody

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL frozen platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Heparin Platelet Antibody Panel

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: refer to 535H and 550B


Hereditary Hemochromatosis HFE C282Y

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Hereditary hemochromatosis is a genetically determined disorder characterized by iron overload.  The carrier frequency for this mutation may be as high as 1 in 15 among people of European descent.  A point mutation in the HFE gene results in Cys282Tyr substitution.  This substitution has been identified as the major genetic defect for this autosomal recessive inherited disorder.  Most affected individuals are homozygous for the mutant allele, although a few may be heterozygous with variable phenotypic expression.  Molecular detection of the mutation can lead to early diagnosis and treatment to prevent the long-term sequalae of iron overload.  DNA analysis for a specific nucleotide change is performed by a PCR reaction coupled with the binding of a probe to homologous sequence, otherwise knows as TaqMan SNP Genotyping technology.  Two probes are present in the reaction, each conjugated to a different fluorophore:  one binds the reference allele and surrounding sequence with high affinity, and one binds the variant allele and surrounding sequence with high affinity.  Each probe is also conjugated to a quencher, which prevents emission of the fluorescent signal when it is near fluorophore.  Probe bound to the template sequence is cleaved during amplification.  This releases the quencher from the probe, which can then emit fluorescent signal. Fluorescent signals are quantified in a PCR well with instrumentation capable of detecting emissions that occur due to probe binding to the reference or variant sequence.  This is what allows the instrument to determine the genotype of an individual at a specific nucleotide.

Turnaround: Batch tested every two weeks Average: 10-14 days Max: 28 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

Hereditary Hemochromatosis HFE H63D

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description:  SAME as  557T

Turnaround: Batch tested every two weeks Average: 10-14 days Max: 28 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

Hexagonal Phospholipid Neutralization

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Antiphospholipid antibodies (including the so-called lupus anticoagulant) have been associated with an increased risk of recurrent thromboses, fetal loss and thrombocytopenia. LAC's are usually detected because they inhibit phospholipid dependent coagulation tests, such as the APTT, PT and dilute RVV.  They presumably do this by binding to phospholipids, not to individual coagulation factors.  Due to the heterogeneity of composition and potency of LAC's, there is no single test that is able to detect all positive individuals.  Hexagonal Phase Neutralization Assay utilizes Antiphospholipid antibodies from human hybridomas which were produced from patients with lupus.  These monoclonal antibodies are able to bind to hexagonal (II) phase phosphatidylethanolamine (HPE), but not lamellar (bilayer) phosphatidylethanolamine (PE).  The hexagonal phase neutralization assay is based on the findings that HPE will bind to lupus anticoagulants, thus inhibiting their actions.  The test features a dilute APTT reagent with decreased lipids that is highly sensitive to LAC's.  The patient plasma is mixed with an equal volume of normal plasma.  If the clotting time with the addition of HPE is 8 or more seconds less than the mix without HPE, then the test is considered positive for LAC.  This test is an important addition to our LAC profile, because it may be used for patients on oral anticoagulants or heparin. 

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL frozen platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

HLA (A, B) IR for Apheresis Platelet Donors

Category: Platelet Transfusion Support,Blood Donor Typing | Service: HLA

Category: Platelet Transfusion Support,Blood Donor Typing
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay provides intermediate resolution (2 digits) of HLA-A, B alleles.  Typing  apheresis donor is required prior to donating for HLA matched platelets.


HLA (A, B) IR for Patient Platelet Transfusions

Category: Platelet Transfusion Support | Service: HLA

Category: Platelet Transfusion Support
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay provides intermediate resolution (2 digits) typing of HLA-A-B alleles,  Typing required for patient before search for HLA matched platelets.


HLA (A, B, C, DR, DRB3/4/5, DQA, DQB, DPA & DPB) ) HR for Patient or Donor Typing

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and/or DNA based assay for HLA Class I & II alleles provides a high=resolution HLA genotype for new transplant patients and their potential donors.



Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay provides initial intermediate resolution (2 digit) typing of HLA A, B, DR for preliminary assessment of histocompatibility in siblings of transplant recipient.


HLA Antibody ID Class II

Category: HLA Antibody ID | Service: HLA

Category: HLA Antibody ID
Service: HLA

Description: Idenification of antibody specificities to HLA Class II (DR, DQ, DP) antigens by Luminex microbead array methodology.

Turnaround: 3 business days
Sample Requirements: 10 mL clotted whole blood in red to tube.
Storage & Shipping: Blood specimens may be kept at room temperature and shipped at room temp or 24℃ up to 4 days after collection; OR separated serum from clot tube may be refrigerated at 4℃ and shipped up to 7 days from date of draw.

HLA Class I (A, B, C) HR

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay used to achieve definition at high resolution (4 digits) of Class I HLA-A, B, C alleles.


HLA Class I (A, B, C) IR

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay provides intermediate resolution (2 digits) assignment of Class I HLA-A, B, C alleles.


HLA Class I Single Locus IR (e.g., B*27)

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: Adults (normal WBC): 10-20 mL EDTA: Pediatrics: 3-7 mL EDTA or anticoagulated whole blood, depending on age of child; Cord blood sample: 0.5 mL; Buccal swabs are acceptable.


HLA Class II (DR, DQ, with or without DPB) IR

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay provides low to intermediate resolution (2 digits) assignment of Class II HLA DR, DQ alleles.


HLA Class II single Locus IR (e.g., DQ2, DQ8)

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based typing of any single locus provides intermediate resolution (2 digits) typing to determine presence or absence of 1 or 2 antigens/alleles named by client for disease association or research purposes.


HLA class II Typing (DR, DRB3/4/5, DPA, DPB, DQA & DQB) HR

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay provides high resolution (4 digits) typing of  HLA, DRB1, DRB3/4/5, DPA, DPB, DQA and DQB1 alleles.



Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay to provide high resolution (4 digits) typing of HLA DPA1 alleles.



Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay provides high resolution (4 digits) typing of  HLA, DPB1 alleles.



Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: DNA based assay to provide high resolution (4 digits) typing of HLA DQA1 alleles.


HLA Priority Services

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: Reduced reporting time arranged by lab supervisor.


HLA STAT After Hours

Category: Transplant | Service: HLA

Category: Transplant
Service: HLA

Description: Reduced reporting time arranged by lab supervisor.


HMW Kininogen (Fitzgerald Factor)

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Investigate the causes of prolonged APTT; identify HMW Kininogen deficiency (Fitzgerald Factor deficit).

Turnaround: 10 days; Availability is variable (dependent on deficient plasma availability).  
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Kleihauer-Betke, Quantitative

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Kleihauer-Betke (KB) - is used to determine the volume of fetomaternal hemorrhage to estimate the amount of rhig needed to prevent alloimmunization.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Labeling Extra bags after the 6th

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Utilizing extra bags during processing for product storage, including labeling.


Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Panel

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Test includes: PT; APTT; APTT Mix; dRVV; Thrombin Time; Reptilase Time (if needed; will invoke additional charge); Tissue Thromboplastin Inhibition (TTI); Factor VIII:C; Hexagonal Lipid Neutralization; Anticardiolipin Antibodies (IgG, IgM); Anti-VIII (if needed; will invoke additional charge), and Physician interpretation with clinical recommendation if warranted.   LAC Panel includes screening and confirmatory tests to detect the presence of phospholipid antibodies that may be associated with thrombosis.  Normal test results do not necessarily rule out a lupus anticoagulant.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: Three 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 3 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Panel II

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: LAC Panel II includes screening and confirmatory tests (see 547T above; also includes Beta 2 Glycoprotein I) to detect the presence of phospholipid antibodies that may be associated with thrrombosis.  Normal test results do not necessarily rule out a lupus anticoagulant.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: Three 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tubes. (Min. 3 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Screen

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Test includes:  PT; APTT; APTT Mix; dRVV; Thrombin Time; Reptilase time (if needed; will invoke additional charge); Tissue thromboplastin Inhibition (TTI); and Interpretation.  Basic screen to detect the presence of phospholipid antibodies that may be associated with thrombosis.  Normal test results do not necessarily rule out a lupus anticoagulant.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 2 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Lupus Anticoagulant Panel with DOAC Remove (6370 DOAC Remove must be ordered with this panel)

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) such as Rivaroxaban (Xarelto®) and Apixaban (Eliquis®) are highly utilized for anticoagulation in individuals with non-valvular atrial fibrillation, a recent thrombotic event or those with a substantial risk for recurrent thromboses. Some of these patients often are in need of laboratory testing for a Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC). Direct oral anticoagulant medications can interfere with LAC testing causing false-positive or false-negative test results.  We are now offering Lupus Anticoagulant Testing after the DOAC* removal process from plasma. We have validated a methodology to perform LAC testing that can now offer accurate results for the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), dilute Russell’s viper venom time (dRVVT), and Hexagonal Phase Phospholipid Neutralization Assays. With this methodology, clinicians will no longer have to consider removing a patient from DOAC* use to perform LAC testing. This provides the unique opportunity to maintain patient safety by continuing necessary DOAC use while performing LAC testing.

 *The DOAC Remove process has been validated for Rivaroxaban and Apixaban only at this time.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: Three 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 3 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Manual Differential - on product received at BSL

Category: Processing Tests | Service: CTL

Category: Processing Tests
Service: CTL

Description: Manual white blood cell count differential.


Molecular Extended Red Cell Genotype/Phenotype

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Molecular determination of allelic variants that determine common rare red cell antigens using multiplex PCR and microarray analysis. (Send out). 

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1-2 EDTA tubes (unspun and unopened)
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Molecular Genotype pe-Platelet (HPA)

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Molecular determination of allelic variants that determine common Human Platelet Antigens, using multiplex PCR and microarray analysis.  (Send out).

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1-2 EDTA tubes (unspun and unopened)
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Molecular Sequencing Test

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Gene sequencing.  Send out to a specialized genomics laboratory. LS525 covers non-RH sequencing, i.e., sequencing for ABO, LU, JK and other genes.  (Send out).

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1-2 EDTA tubes (unspun and unopened)
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Monocyte Monolayer Assay (MMA)

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Monocyte Monolaer Assay used to better predict the transfusion risk of a clinically significant antibody. (Send out).


MTHFR Gene Variant A1298C

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: A deficiency in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) enzyme, as well as deficiencies in folate, vitamin B12 and B6 can result in elevated homocysteine levels in the blood.  Moderate homocysteinemia has been associated with thrombosis (venous and arterial), coronary disease and cerebrovascular disease.  Homocysteine is believed to induce endothelial cell damage and promote platelet adhesion. Hetero - or homozygosity for MTHFR (A1298C) alone does not increase thrombotic risk but does increase risk when combined with hetero or homozygosity with the C677T variant.

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly Average: 5-7 days Max: 14 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

MTHFR Gene Variant C677T

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: A deficiency in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) enzyme, as well as deficiencies in folate, vitamin B12 and B6 can result in elevated homocysteine levels in the blood.  Moderate homocysteinemia has been associated with thrombosis (venous and arterial), coronary disease and cerebrovascular disease.  Homocysteine is believed to induce endothelial cell damage and promote platelet adhesion.  In vitro, it has been shown to activate clotting factors on the surace of endothelial cells and inhibit the activation of protein C. Additionally, it has been reported that patients who have both the Factor V Leiden mutation as well as homocysteinemia, have an increased risk of thrombosis, greater than having either defect alone.

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly Average: 5-7 days Max: 14 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

PAI-1 (Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor) 4G/5G Polymorphism

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: PCR-based assay that amplifies a fragment of the genomic DNA.  Amplified fragment are detected directly by agarose gel electrophoreseis.

Turnaround: Contact lab for testing schedule Average: 14-18 days Max: 35 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

PAI-1 (Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1) Activity

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Quantitates the activity of PAI-1 in the plasma.  An increased plasma level of PAI is an important reason for impaired fibrinolytic function and may be associated with thrombotic disease.  Increased levels have been found in pregnancy and sepsis.

Turnaround: 28 days; Availability is variable.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

PAI-1 (Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1) Antigen

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Quantitates the amount of human plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 antigen in the plasma.  The clinical utility of the assay is to detect disorders  of the fibrinolytic system.

Turnaround: 28 days; Availability is variable.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Pathological Cold Agglutinin Screen

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Test to evalute the clinical significance of cold reactive autoantibodies.


PL A1/A2 Polymorphism

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Platelet membrane Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, a receptor for fibrinogen and von Willebrand's factor, plays a major role in platelet function.  An association of the PLA2 allele with increased platelet aggregability in vitro has been described and several studies have linked this marker to cardiovascular disease.

Turnaround: Contact lab for testing schedule Average: 14-18 days Max: 35 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.
LS435 (57M)

Plasma Thawing

Category: Compatibility Testing | Service: TS

Category: Compatibility Testing
Service: TS

Description: Thawing of Plasma and Cryoprecipitate for transfusion purposes.


Plasma-Alpha-2-Antiplasmin (PAP) Complex

Category: Compatibility Testing | Service:

Category: Compatibility Testing



Plasminogen Activity

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Determine plasminogen and plasmin activity in plasma; study of dysplasminogen; monitor thrombolytic therapy; evaluate DIC.

Turnaround: 7 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Platelet Aggregation Panel

Category: Platelet Evaluation | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Platelet Evaluation
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Test includes:  Platelet Aggregations with 7 agonists (3 concentrations of ADP - 20uM, 10uM, 5uM; Collagen; 2 concentrations of Ristocetin - 1.2 mg, 0.3 mg; and Arachidonic Acid) and interpretation.  Evaluate platelet function; aid in diagnosis of von Willebrand disease, Glanzmann's disease, platelet storage pool disease, Bernard-Soulier syndrome, "gray platelet syndrome" and Raynaud's phenomenon.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: Five 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tubes at room temperature.
Storage & Shipping: Maintain specimen as whole blood at room temperature and transport to the laboratory immediately. Must be received in the Vitalant Coagulation Laboratory within 3 hours of collection. Do not chill, platelets are activated at low temperatures. DO NOT COLLECT SAMPLE BEFORE 7:00 a.m!!! Sample must be received in laboratory by 4:00 p.m.

Platelet Antibody Screen Test

Category: Platelet Antibody Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Platelet Antibody Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Platelet Antibody detection by solid phase methods.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 10 mL EDTA tube(s)
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Platelet Crossmatch Test

Category: Platelet Antibody Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Platelet Antibody Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Platelet crossmatch by solid phase methods.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 10 mL EDTA tube(s)
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Platelet Function Panel

Category: Platelet Evaluation | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Platelet Evaluation
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Sample must be received in laboratory by 4:00 p.m. 
Test includes:  Platelet Aggregations with 5 agonists (3 concentrations of ADP - 20uM, 10uM, 5uM; Collagen; and Arachidonic Acid) and an interpretation, may be added to a von Willebrand Profile without duplication of tests. 
Evaluate platelet function; aid in diagnosis of Glanzmann's disease, platelet storage pool disease, Bernard-Soulier syndrome, "gray platelet syndrome" and Raynaud's phenomenon.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: Four 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tubes at room temperature.
Storage & Shipping: Maintain specimen as whole blood at room temperature and transport to the laboratory immediately. Must be received in the Vitalant Coagulation Laboratory within 3 hours of collection. Do not chill, platelets are activated at low temperatures. DO NOT COLLECT SAMPLE BEFORE 7:00 a.m!!! Samples must be received in laboratory by 4:00 p.m.

Platelet Glycoprotein Panel A

Category: Platelet Evaluation | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Platelet Evaluation
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Vascular damage sites can activate platelets via collagen receptors GPVI and GPIa. The subsequent binding of multimeric VWF proteins with the platelet surface receptor GPIb-V-IX leads to full activation. Platelets can then aggregate by binding to fibrinogen through GPIIb-GPIIIa receptors. Deficiencies of these platelet surface glycoproteins can cause significant bleeding issues.  Platelet flow cytometric analysis is the preferred method to assess hereditary platelet disorders due to the ability to detect and quantitate surface glycoprotein (GP) deficiencies1,2. GP expression levels can be measured by using fluorescent conjugated antibodies and their intensities can be compared to a normal range found in individuals without platelet function disorders.  Panel A is useful for 1)  the diagnosis of Glanzmann thrombasthenia, which is associated with markedly decreased GPIIb (CD41) and GPIIIa (CD61) antigen levels.  2)  The diagnosis of Bernard Soulier Syndrome, which is associated with markedly decreased GPIX (CD42a) and GP1b-alpha (CD42b) antigen levels.

Turnaround: 5 days
Sample Requirements: Two 8.5 mL yellow top (ACD, Acid Citrate Dextrose) tubes of whole blood.
Storage & Shipping: Maintain specimen as whole blood at room temperature and ship to laboratory immediately. Must be received in laboratory within 3 days of collection. Samples will be accepted Monday-Thursday only. DO NOT SHIP FOR ARRIVAL ON FRIDAY.

Platelet Glycoprotein Panel B

Category: Platelet Evaluation | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Platelet Evaluation
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Vascular damage sites can activate platelets via collagen receptors GPVI and GPIa. The subsequent binding of multimeric VWF proteins with the platelet surface receptor GPIb-V-IX leads to full activation. Platelets can then aggregate by binding to fibrinogen through GPIIb-GPIIIa receptors. Deficiencies of these platelet surface glycoproteins can cause significant bleeding issues.  Platelet flow cytometric analysis is the preferred method to assess hereditary platelet disorders due to the ability to detect and quantitate surface glycoprotein (GP) deficiencies1,2. GP expression levels can be measured by using fluorescent conjugated antibodies and their intensities can be compared to a normal range found in individuals without platelet function disorders.  Panel B is useful for the Identification of collagen receptor deficiency, which is associated with decreased GPVI or GPIa (CD49b) antigen levels.

Turnaround: 5 days
Sample Requirements: Two 8.5 mL yellow top (ACD, Acid Citrate Dextrose) tubes of whole blood.
Storage & Shipping: Maintain specimen as whole blood at room temperature and ship to laboratory immediately. Must be received in laboratory within 3 days of collection. Samples will be accepted Monday-Thursday only. DO NOT SHIP FOR ARRIVAL ON FRIDAY.

Platelet Glycoprotein Panel C

Category: Platelet Evaluation | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Platelet Evaluation
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Vascular damage sites can activate platelets via collagen receptors GPVI and GPIa. The subsequent binding of multimeric VWF proteins with the platelet surface receptor GPIb-V-IX leads to full activation. Platelets can then aggregate by binding to fibrinogen through GPIIb-GPIIIa receptors. Deficiencies of these platelet surface glycoproteins can cause significant bleeding issues.  Platelet flow cytometric analysis is the preferred method to assess hereditary platelet disorders due to the ability to detect and quantitate surface glycoprotein (GP) deficiencies1,2. GP expression levels can be measured by using fluorescent conjugated antibodies and their intensities can be compared to a normal range found in individuals without platelet function disorders.  Panel C levels are assessed for both Panel A and B antigens.

Turnaround: 5 days
Sample Requirements: Two 8.5 mL yellow top (ACD, Acid Citrate Dextrose) tubes of whole blood.
Storage & Shipping: Maintain specimen as whole blood at room temperature and ship to laboratory immediately. Must be received in laboratory within 3 days of collection. Samples will be accepted Monday-Thursday only. DO NOT SHIP FOR ARRIVAL ON FRIDAY.

Platelet Granule Storage and Release

Category: Platelet Evaluation | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Platelet Evaluation
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Flow cytometric analysis of resting and stimulated platelets allows the assessment of storage pool deficiency and granule release issues. The compound quinacrine dihydrochloride (mepacrine) is taken up by living platelets and becomes bound to intracellular adenine nucleotide present in delta (dense) granules. Due to its fluorescent properties, mepacrine signal taken up by platelets is able to be quantified on a flow cytometer. In addition, the assessment of mepacrine release and alpha granule surface marker expression following platelet stimulation allows the identification of delta and alpha granule release issues.

Turnaround: Average: 24 hours Max: 72 hours with physician interpretation
Sample Requirements: 4 tubes of whole blood drawn in 3.2% sodium citrate (blue top) tubes.
Storage & Shipping: Transported at room remperature and received within 4 hours of collection M-F. Samples must be received by 1:00pm to be tested.

Polyagglutination Screen

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Screen test for polyagglutination.  Includes testing with human sera and lectins, if available.


Prekallikrein (Fletcher Factor)

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Availability is variable

Turnaround: 7 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Prewarm Setup

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Prewarm setup requires the aliquoting and warming of patient plasma, RBC's, saline and other reagents prior to testing.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and/or clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Protein C Activity

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Protein C is a vitamin k-dependent protein, primarily synthesized in the liver.  Circulating Protein C is converted to an active protease, activated Protein C (APC), by the action of thrombin in the presence of the endothelial cell cofactor thrombomodulin.  Upon activation, anticoagulant activity of PC is expressed only after the formation of a functional complex that consists of a phospholipid surface, factor V and free Protein S.  In the procoagulant pathway, the Protein C/Protein S activated complex inhibits coagulation by inactivating factors Va and VIIIa rendering them nonfunctional.  The functional assay for Protein C is based on the ability of Protein C in a patient's plasma to prolong the clotting time of an APTT reaction reconstituted with Protein C deficient plasma.  Thus, this assay tests for the activity of Protein C on its natural substrates (Factors Va and VIIIa).  Patient samples that are shown to have a deficiency in biologic function that cannot be attributed to liver disease or anticoagulant therapy can be further characterized with an antigenic assay for confirmation of the defect.  This functional assay replaces a chromogenic assay previously used to screen for Protein C deficiencies.  The clotting endpoint functional assay more accurately reflects Protein C function in vivo.

Turnaround: 4 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Protein S Activity

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: One major and important regulatory system with both anticoagulant and fibrinolytic properties is the Protein C system.  This system consists of a complex collection of plasma proteins that interact with vessels and platelets to inhibit coagulation.  Protein C (PC) and Protein S (PS) are the central components of this system, which when either is significantly decreased, will predispose an individual to an increased risk for thromboembolic disease.  The functional assay for Protein S is based on the ability of protein S to serve as a cofactor for activated protein C in a Factor V dependent clotting assay (reconstituted with Protein S deficient plasma).  Cleavage of activated Factor V by activated Protein C with Protein S as a cofactor will prolong the clotting time.  This assay detects only free Protein S which is the active form of this molecule.  Protein S functional assays can detect low protein levels and dysfunctional or inactivated molecules.  The appropriate antigenic assay is recommended to confirm and further characterize a detected abnormality.

Turnaround: 4 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Protein C Antigen

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Investigate patients with thromboses, especially venous thromboses in young adults; study patients with hypercoagulable  state.  Protein C antigen measures total protein C functional and immunoreactive.  Order in conjunction with Protein C activity to determine and type deficiency.

Turnaround: 11 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Protein S Total Antigen

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Availability is variable.

Turnaround: 28 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Protein S. Free Antigen

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Patients on oral anticoagulants may have decreased functional protein C/S values.  For accurate testing results, the patient should be off anticoagulant therapy (coumadin) for two weeks.

Turnaround: 14 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Prothrombin Fragment 1+2

Category: Research Use Only | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Research Use Only
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Used as an aid for diagnosis, monitoring and evaluating acquired or hereditary blood coagulation disorders, especially in the assessment of risk of thrombosis.  It may also be used in monitoring anticoagulant therapy.  Elevated levels of PT F 1+2 may be found in patients with thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, DIC, trauma, and sepsis.  Levels of PT F 1+2 may also be elevated in patients with hereditary thrombophilia with Factor V Leiden or Protein C or Protein S deficiencies.  Patients undergoing oral anticoagulant therapy or heparin therapy may show significant decreases in PT F 1+2 levels.

Turnaround: Availability is variable. Maximum turn around time is 21-28 days.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Prothrombin Gene Variant

Category: Genetic | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Genetic
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Venous Thromboembolism is a significant medical problem for approximately 1 in 1000 people in the general population.  A genetic point mutation in the prothrombin gene (G20210A) has been identified as an additional risk factor for venous thrombosis.  The mutation in the prothrombin gene is located in the 3' untranslated (noncoding) region of  the gene and results in a G to A transition at position 20210.  Prothrombin is also known as Factor II.  It is the precursor of thrombin, which late in the clotting cascade leads to the formation of fibrin.  The prothrombin gene mutation (G2021A) leads to elevated levels of prothrombin in plasma and is associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis.  The frequency of this allele has been reported to be 1-2% in the general population.  Among patients with venous thrombotic episodes or a family history of venous thrombotic episodes, the prevalence has been reported to be 6-20%.  The role of the prothrombin gene variant in arterial disease is not yet known and is currently under investigation.  Patient lymphocytes are processed to extract DNA.  Using 250 ng of human DNA, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is performed to amplify a 118 bp fragment of the gene encoding the prothrombin protein.  The 118 bp fragment includes the G20210A transition site which has been associated with increased prothrombin levels and venous thrombosis.  The amplimer is restriction enzyme digested with the enzyme Taq 1 to identify and enable genotypic analysis of the G2010A polymorphism.  Enzyme digest fragments are resolved on a 3.0% agarose gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining.  The 118 bp product of the wild type allele yields fragments of 98 bp and 20 bp.  The mutant allele is not susceptible to digestion by Taq 1 and yields a 118 bp fragment.

Turnaround: Batch tested once weekly Average: 5-7 days Max: 14 days
Sample Requirements: One 7 mL yellow top (ACD) tube preferred. EDTA (purple-top) or sodium citrate (blue-top) also acceptable. Minimum 2.0 mL Whole blood. Should be received within 3 days of collection.
Storage & Shipping: Room temperature as whole blood, must be received in lab within 3 days of collection.

PT (Prothrombin time)

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Evaluate extrinsic coagulation system; screen for congenital deficiencies of factors II, V, VII, X; deficiency of prothrombin; dysfibrinogenemia (complete); coumadin or warfarin effect; liver failure; disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC); screen vitamin K deficiency.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

PT (Prothrombin time) Mix

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect the presence of an inhibitor.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Red Cell Separation Method

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Special method used to harvest patient autologous red cells i.e., Microhematocrit or Hypotonic RBC separations.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Red Cell Stroma-Alloadsorption

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Alloadsorption using Papain-treated human red cell stroma or RESt stroma, for each adsorption tube.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Red Cell Separation - Percoll

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Percoll treatment and red cell separation method used to harvest patient autologous red cell. 

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Red Cell Treatment

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Chemical pre-modification of red cells for testing.  (i.e., EGA/CHL/DTT/WARM)

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Reptilase® Time

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Distinguish hypofibrinogenemia from heparin contamination and fibrin split products (FSP's).

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Rh(D) Typing

Category: Red Cell Testing | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Red Cell Testing
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Rh(D) Typing (Serologic)

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1 EDTA and/or clot tube
Storage & Shipping: Shipping in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Rh(D) Genotype Test

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Gene sequencing. Send out to a specialized genomics laboratory.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1-2 EDTA tubes (unspun and unopened)
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

RHCE Genotype Test

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Red Cell and Platelet Molecular Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Gene sequencing.  Send out to a specialized genomics laboratory.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 1-2 EDTA tubes (unspun and unopened)
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Ristocetin CoFactor Activity

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Evaluate von Willebrand factor activity.  Differential diagnosis between hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease.

Turnaround: 6 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Rivaroxaban Level

Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional



Rosette Test, Qualitative

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Screening test for fetomaternal hemorrhage.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Saline Replacement Setup

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification | Service: TS,IRL

Category: Antibody Screen & Identification
Service: TS,IRL

Description: Saline replacement (SR) setup. SR is a technique used to disperse suspected rouleaux in the patient plasma/serum sample.

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Send out Testing

Category: Other Services | Service: IRL

Category: Other Services
Service: IRL


Turnaround: N/A
Sample Requirements: N/A
Storage & Shipping: N/A

Sepax Cord Blood Product wash (per bag)

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Automated cord blood washing, in a functionally closed sytstem.


Serum Neutralization/Inhibition Procedure

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Neutralization/inhibition serum/plasma set up 

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Serum Treatment with Chemical Agents

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Serum/plasma chemical treatment (i.e., 0.01 M DTT treatment)

Turnaround: Depends upon request; See TAT description
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

Spontaneous Platelet Aggregation

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service:

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing



Spontaneous Platelet Aggregations

Category: Platelet Evaluation | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Platelet Evaluation
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect hyperaggregability of platelets.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: Four 4.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tubes at room temperature.
Storage & Shipping: Maintain specimen as whole blood at room temperature and transport to the laboratory immediately. Must be received in laboratory within 4 hours of collection. Do not chill, platelets are activated at low temperatures. DO NOT COLLECT SAMPLE BEFORE 7:00 a.m!! Sample must be received in laboratory by 4:00 p.m.


Category: Processing Tests | Service: CTL

Category: Processing Tests
Service: CTL

Description: Bacterial and fungal cultures on product.


Storage of Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cells and Bone Marrow

Category: Storage with or without Cryopreservation | Service: CTL

Category: Storage with or without Cryopreservation
Service: CTL

Description: Stem Cell Storage, per bag, with no processing or cryopreservation up to 36 months.


Storage of Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cells and Bone Marrow with cryopreservation

Category: Storage with or without Cryopreservation | Service: CTL

Category: Storage with or without Cryopreservation
Service: CTL

Description: Cryopreservation for each bag over 6 with storage up to 36 months.



Category: Storage with or without Cryopreservation | Service:

Category: Storage with or without Cryopreservation



TAT (Thrombin-Antithrombin) Complex

Category: Research Use Only | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Research Use Only
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Used in the evaluation of patients for thrombosis and DIC; some patients may have elevated levels of TAT.  Also, TAT is important in patients with multiple trauma, liver dysfunction, septicemia and preeclampsia.  TAT may rise in patients with advanced state malignancies.  TAT may increase during the course of heparin and fibrinolysis therapy.

Turnaround: 1 day
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

T-Cell Therapeutic Processing

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Base lab processing services and testing and up to 36 months of cryopreservation for up to 6 bags.


Thermal Amplitude Test

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Testing to determine cold antibodies optimal temperature of reactivity.

Turnaround: 24 hours
Sample Requirements: Call for special collection instructions
Storage & Shipping: Call for special collection instructions

Thrombin Generation Assay

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service:

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing



Thrombin Time

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Determine severe hypofibrinogenemia and presence of heparin-like anticoagulants; diagnose and monitor DIC and fibrinolysis; monitor thrombolytic therapy.  A reptilase time will be performed to evaluate fibrinogen when thrombin time is prolonged.  The need to do the Reptilase time will invoke an additional charge.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.


Category: Research Use Only | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Research Use Only
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Thrombomodulin is found on the endothelial surface and is known to bind thrombin and the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex is a strong activator of Protein C to Activated Protein C (APC).  APC is a well-known protein involved in limiting the coagulation response and thus, decreased thrombomodulin may lead to less APC and increased risk of thrombosis.


Turnaround: Availability is variable.  Maximum turn around time is 21-28 days.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Thrombospondin (TSP-1)

Category: Research Use Only | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Research Use Only
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: TSP-1 is released from platelet granules during platelet activation.  In association with von Willebrand Factor (vWF) and fibrinogen, TSP-1 contributes to clot formation.  TSP-1 has been shown to inhibit angiogenesis and minimize new vessel growth.

Turnaround: Availability is variable.  Maximum turn around time is 21-28 days.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Thrombotic Risk Screen

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Test includes:  APC Resistance:  Antithrombin III Activity; Protein C Activity; Protein S Free Antigen; Factor X and a  Interpretation.

Turnaround: 7 days
Sample Requirements: Three 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tubes. (Min. 3mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Tissue Factor Activity

Category: Research Use Only | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Research Use Only
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Tissue Factor (TF) is also known as Coagulation Factor III or   Thromboplastin and its is found on sub-endothelial cells.  It plays a critical role in triggering blood coagulation by binding to Factor VIIa to form a Factor VIIa-TF complex.  This complex then cleaves Factor X to FXa and Factor IS to FIXa to help initiate the coagulation cascade.  The level of TF may be increased in malignancies, inflammation, atherosclerosis, sepsis, diabetes, sickle cell disease and acute coronary syndrome.  During sepsis, increased activation of the coagulation mechanism may result from enhanced cytokine-medicated expression of TF on endothelial cells and monocytes.  In atherosclerotic plaques, TF ruptures various pro-coagulant material including microparticles containing TF.  TF may also play a significant role in angiogenesis and metastasis.

Turnaround: Availability is variable. Maximum turn around time is 21-28 days.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (Free)

Category: Research Use Only | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Research Use Only
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: TFPI inhibits the extrinsic coagulation pathway by forming a complex of TFPI-FXa-Tissue Factor (TF)-FVIIa.  Most of the TFPI is bound to the endothelial cell surface and two forms of TFPI are found in plasma (lipoprotein-associated TFPI and free TFPI).  Only the free form is associated with any anticoagulant activity.  TFPI can also be found in platelets and is released with any anticoagulant activity.  TFPI can also be found in platelets and is released during platelet activation.  TFPI is closely related to total and HDL-cholesterol levels.  TFPI levels are higher in men than women, especially for the free form.  TFPI is also released into circulation following heparin injections.

Turnaround: Availability is variable.  Maximum turn around time is 21-28 days.   
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (Total)

Category: Research Use Only | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Research Use Only
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: TFPI inhibits the extrinsic coagulation pathway by forming a complex of TFPI-Fxa-Tissue Factor (TF)-FVIIa.  Most of the TFPI is bound to the endothelial cell surface and two forms of TFPI are found in plasma (lipoprotein-associated TFPI and free TFPI).  Only the free form is associated with any anticoagulant activity.  TFPI can also be found in platelets and is released with any anticoagulant activity.  TFPI can also be found in platelets and is released during platelet activation.  TFPI is closely related to total and HDL-cholesterol levels.  TFPI levels are higher in men than women, especially for the free form.  TFPI is also released into circulation following heparin injections.

Turnaround: Availability is variable.  Maximum turn around time is 21-28 days.   
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Titration Studies, per Titration

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing | Service: IRL,TS

Category: Specialized Immunohematology Testing
Service: IRL,TS

Description: Semi-quantitative method to assess antibody concentration. 

Turnaround: N/A
Sample Requirements: 4 EDTA and 1 clot tubes
Storage & Shipping: Shipped in a container maintaining temperature between 1 -10℃ (preferred). Room temperature acceptable.

tPA Antigen

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Quantitates the amount of human tissue type plasminogen (tPA) antigen in the plasma.  The clinical utility of the assay is to detect disorders of the fibrinolytic system.

Turnaround: Availability is variable.
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Trypan Blue Viability

Category: Processing Tests | Service: CTL

Category: Processing Tests
Service: CTL

Description: Simple dye exclusion test to measure the percentage of viable white cells.

Turnaround: 2 hours; M-F 8am - 8pm
Sample Requirements: 0.5 mL of anticoagulant HPC product
Storage & Shipping: Shipped at 1 -10℃

TTI (Tissue Thromboplastin Inhibition)

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Detect lupus-like anticoagulants.  Prolonged prothrombin times invalidate the tissue thromboplastin inhibitor test.

Turnaround: 2 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.


Category: Functional | Service:

Category: Functional



Volume Reduction

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Reduce plasma as required for cryoprservation purposes.


von Willebrand Factor Activity GP1bM

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Quantitative determination of von Willebrand Factor platelet binding activity.   No interference of common benign VWF gene variants that cause falsely low VWF activity results in the ristocetin cofactor assay.  Increased accuracy for the categorization of von Willebrand disease subtypes

Turnaround: 6 days
Sample Requirements: : One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

von Willebrand Profile

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Test includes:  Factor VIII:C; Ristocetin CoFactor (RCoF activity); vW Antigen; APTT; APTT Mix; Ristocetin Induced Platelet Aggregations; Closure Time: vW Antigen Multimer Analysis (if needed), will invoke additional charge and an interpretaton with clinical recommendations if warranted.  

Diagnosis and typing of von Willebrand's disease.

Turnaround: 10 days
Sample Requirements: Three 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tubes. (Min. 3 mL platelet poor plasma). Two 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tubes at room temperature.
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice. Room temperature tubes must be received in the laboratory within 4 hours of collection AND by 4:00 p.m.

von Willebrand Screen

Category: Functional | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Functional
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Test includes:  APTT; APTT Mix; Factor FVIII:C; Ristocetin CoFactor Activity; von Willebrand Antigen; vW Antigen Multimers (if needed, will invoke additional charge); and a comment.

Screen provides diagnostic information and typing for von Willebrand's disease.

Turnaround: 10 days
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

vW Ag Multimer Analysis

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Classify von Willebrand disease

Turnaround: 10 days
Sample Requirements: Two 3.5mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 2 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

vW Antigen

Category: Serological | Service: Coagulation Lab

Category: Serological
Service: Coagulation Lab

Description: Von Willebrand antigen measures total plasma vWF, functional and immunoreactive.  Usually ordered as part of von Willebrand Profile.  This test alone does not rule out von Willebrand disease.  Useful in the differential diagnosis of hemophilia A and von Willebrand disease.

Turnaround: 6 days
Sample Requirements: One 3.5 mL blue top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube. (Min. 1 mL platelet poor plasma).
Storage & Shipping: Separate plasma within one hour of collection and freeze at -20℃ or less; ship on dry ice.

Wash - Manual (with pre & post CD34)

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Thawing of previously frozen harvest with washing and CD34 testing.


Wash - Manual (without CD34)

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells | Service: CTL

Category: Autologous & Allogeneic Stem Cells
Service: CTL

Description: Thawing of previously frozen harvest with washing.